

Published Sun 21 Jul 2024


            Home of the Victorian Cross Country Championships, Bundoora Park is never easy. Set on the slopes of Mt Cooper, the highest point in Metropolitan Melbourne, there is always the challenge of conquering the continual inclines on the course. The extreme winter weather on Saturday 20 July 2024 made life much harder for competing athletes in the later races as runners battled with driving rain, strong winds and a course that deteriorated rapidly throughout the day. Despite this, the Diamond Valley Athletic Club still managed to send 42 athletes (15 Female & 27 Male) out to battle the elements as well as the strong fields that gathered to run the Championship races.

            There were a total of 1725 athletes who lined up for the All Schools Championships (1109) and the AV athletes competing for their clubs (616) throughout the busy program that began at 10:00am and finished at 3:30pm. The stated policy for team selection in the Victorian teams that will compete at the Australian Cross Country Championships to be held in Launceston on Saturday 31 August 2024 was to take the first 10 to finish in each race with another 2 athletes to be added. In most cases this will mean the first 12 to finish.

            As well, the selection policy states: AV will approve & enter ‘Additional Competitors’ from registered Club members or bona fide School students who will wear club or school uniform. This number is unlimited but cut off times will be provided to ensure a national standard of competition.



            There were 19 DVAC members (9 Female & 10 Male) who represented their schools in the Victorian All Schools Championships.

            Six of the DVAC members have automatically qualified for selection in the AV team to compete at the Australian Championships in Launceston by finishing in the top ten. These were:

Matilda Johnson (Gennazano College) (FU15 4km - 15:11) 2nd;

Grace Robinson (Diamond Valley College) (FU15 4km - 16:02) 9th;

Ally Brooks (Eltham HS) (FU18 4km – 15:35) 7th;

Ethan Armstrong-Bourne (Eltham HS) (MU17 6km – 20:16)  8th;

Cameron Ellis (Whitefriars College) (MU18 6km – 20:10)  8th;

Jordan Rudd (Concord School) (MU20 Para 3km – 11:42) 3rd

            There were another four DVAC members who were close to the qualifying standard that will be hoping for AV to show some compassion. These include:

Brodie Batt (Parade College) (MU16 4km – 13:30) 12th

Rose Jarvis (CLC Eltham) (FU16 4km – 16:06) 13th  (*Note: Rose had a heavy fall at the start line and then had to work through the field.)

William Quigley (Hume Grammar) (MU15 4km – 14:29) 16th

All three are well under the suggested ‘cut off’ times.

            As well, there was:

Erin Maloney (Macleod College) (FU20 6km – 26:40) 16th

            All of the DVAC finishers have done remarkably well under extremely tough conditions and the club is proud of their achievements.


            Both the DVAC Women and Men’s Division 2 teams survived the challenge of Bundoora Cross Country with their position on the season ladder in-tact. The Women Division 2 team went into Round 6 in 5th place on the season ladder and finished in 5th position at Bundoora. Similarly with the DVAC Men’s Division 2 team that went into Round 6 placed 7th on the season ladder and managed to finish in 7th place at Bundoora. Both teams are in a 12 team Division and appear safe for the current winter season.

            Details listed below.

VALLEY CLUB CORNER – Men Masters Short Course teams claim two wins

            The DVAC Men 60+ Short Course team continued their long dominance of the competition with another impressive performance at Bundoora. The DVAC team of Peter Ramsay, Martin Murray and Rob Wendel were clear winners of their division.

            DVAC teams in the Men 40+ Short Course and the Men 50+ Short Course are emerging as new powerhouse combinations. In Round 6 the 40+ SC team finished in second place out of a total of 15 teams and the 50+ SC team were listed as top of the ladder.


            In the Schools Championships events Matilda Johnson won the Silver medal in the FU15 4km event. Matilda was a member of the Gennazano team that finished in second place in the School teams competition.

            Jordan Rudd won the Bronze medal in the Male U20 Para event.

            Michael Martello won the Gold medal in the Mal Open 6km Short Course race.

            Peter Ramsay won the Silver medal in the M60+ Short Course race.

            Michelle King won the Silver medal in the F60+ Short Course race.

            Congratulations to all.


            A big shout out for David Armstrong who had the Valley Tent in prime position ready for the first event at 10:00am. David spent the rest of the day filming the races and tending to his creation, Results Hub. What a man!!

            Thanks to the team that helped pack up at the end of a memorable day.

            Thanks to those that put food on the table to share with other.



Bundoora Park

Saturday July 20 2024

DVAC Results:

Female U15 4km Cross Country                    Field of 70

Matilda Johnson (Gennazano)                      15:11   2nd      

Grace Robinson (Diamond Valley C)             16:02   9th

Isabella Napoletano (Loyola College)           19:34   50th


Female U16 4km Cross Country                    Field of 76

Rose Jarvis (Catholic Ladies College)             16:06   13th

Lucy Johns (St Helena SC)                              18:17   41st


Female U17 4km Cross Country                    Field of 51

Georgia L’Estrange (Montmorency SC)         17:01   20th


Female U18 4km Cross Country                    Field of 69

Ally Brooks (Eltham HS)                                 15:35   7th

Ella Littlehales (Kolbe CC)                              18:45   43rd


Female U20 6km Cross Country                    Field of 52

Erin Maloney (Macleod SC)                           26:40   16th


Male U15 4km Cross Country                        Field of 108

William Quigley (Hume Grammar)                14:29   16th

Alex Dewar (Whitefriars College)                  16:31   61st


Male U16 4km Cross Country                        Field of 96

Brodie Batt (Parade College)                         13:30   12th

Nicholas Tomkins (St Helena SC)                   14:17   29th

Alexander Tomkins (St Helena SC)                15:39   54th


Male U17 6km Cross Country                        Field of 115

Ethan Armstrong-Bourne (Eltham HS)          20:16   8th

Patrick Knight (Eltham College)                     22:56   60th

Glen Imbriano (Whitefriars College)             23:36   66th


Male U18 6km Cross Country                        Field of 79

Cameron Ellis (Whitefriars College)              20:10   8th


Male U20 Para 3km Cross Country               Field of 6

Jordan Rudd (Concord School)                      11:42   3rd



Female Open
10km: Shania Murray 39:15; Mikaela Gray 44:55; Adina Morrow 50:19; Jo Moxon 1:00:13; 

6km: Michelle King 35:15; Elyse Littlejohn 44:18; 

Male Open
3km: Dillon Vidanapathirana 15:11; 

10km: Caden Murray 32:23; Blake Barnes 36:54; Dylan Littlejohn 37:32; Charles Jacobson 37:55; James Telford 39:47; Craig Cassidy 40:42; Scott Barnes 44:54; Aaron Bourne 45:12; Mark Tapping 51:18; 

6km: Michael Martello 22:15; Peter Ramsay 27:19; Brett Maloney 28:33; Martin Murray 30:05; Jesse Littlehales 31:14; Rob Wendel 32:16; Greg Luck 34:20; 



OPEN DIVISION 2 (10km): (17, 54, 97, 133) - 5TH/11;       

Shania Murray 39:15; Mikaela Gray 44:55; Adina Morrow 50:19; Jo Moxon 1:00:13; 

FEMALE Open (Short Course 6km): (12, 21) - 6th/14

Michelle King 35:15; Elyse Littlejohn 44:18; 

 W40+ (10km): (63) - 30TH/30:

Jo Moxon 1:00:13; 

 F40+ (Short Course 6km):  (11) - 6th/14

Michelle King 35:15;

 W50+ (10km): (34) - 19TH/20

Jo Moxon 1:00:13; 

 F50+ (Short Course 6km): (6) - 6th/8

Michelle King 35:15;

 F60+ (10km): (6) - 5th/5

Jo Moxon 1:00:13; 

 F60+ (Short Course 6km): (2) - 3rd/6

Michelle King 35:15;


OPEN DIVISION 2 (10km): (22, 119, 136, 145, 176, 192) - 7TH/14;         

Caden Murray 32:23; Blake Barnes 36:54; Dylan Littlejohn 37:32; Charles Jacobson 37:55; James Telford 39:47; Craig Cassidy 40:42;

OPEN DIVISION 5 (10km): (257, 262, 304) - 7th/12;          

Scott Barnes 44:54; Aaron Bourne 45:12; Mark Tapping 51:18;

 M40+ (10km): (18, 20, 39) - 6th  & (79, 83, 120) - 31ST/56;         

Dylan Littlejohn 37:32; Charles Jacobson 37:55;Craig Cassidy 40:42;

(31st) Scott Barnes 44:54; Aaron Bourne 45:12; Mark Tapping 51:18;


M40+ (Short Course 6km): (6, 10, 12) - 2nd  & (19, 23) - 7th/15.

(2nd) Peter Ramsay 27:19; Brett Maloney 28:33; Martin Murray 30:05;

(7th) Rob Wendel 32:16; Greg Luck 34:20; 

M50+ (10km): (30, 57) - 20TH/37;

Scott Barnes 44:54;Mark Tapping 51:18


M50+ (Short Course 6km):  (5, 9, 11) - 1st/14 & (17, 21) - 6th/14

(1st) Peter Ramsay 27:19; Brett Maloney 28:33; Martin Murray 30:05;

(6th) Rob Wendel 32:16; Greg Luck 34:20; 


M60+ (Short Course 6km): (2, 5, 9) 1st/9 & (11) 8th/9

(1st) Peter Ramsay 27:19; Martin Murray 30:05; Rob Wendel 32:16

(8th) Greg Luck 34:20; 



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