AV XCR Round 4 - Cruden Farm

Event information

This event has passed.

Trapsing through the grounds of the historic Dame Elisabeth Murdoch's Cruden Farm, you can't help but feel the stories surrounding.

Fittingly named 'Hertiage Round' we will be hoping for some fine weather in the lead up to this notoriously soggy track, which will again prove a challenge for all those willing to tackle it. Once you've tackled this tough course, why not take some time to explore the beautiful grounds, at a more leisurely pace!

Gradually stepping up the distance, the juniors will complete the 5km (Men & Women U14) or 7km (Men & Women U16/18/20) while the open athletes will make their way through 12km.

Make sure that you remember to bring your bibs, as this acts as your timing chip too! For all the extra event info click HERE

REMINDER: Even if you have purchased an XCR or Max Package, AV still require you to register, to do this, click HERE.


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