

To encourage physical activity and provide the opportunity for people of all ages and fitness levels to participate in a range of athletic activities, including athletic competitions at all levels.

DVAC aims to provide a safe, inclusive, community-oriented and family-friendly environment to support all members.


Meetings are usually held on the last Tuesday of each Month at the Willinda Park clubrooms. All members are welcome to attend and voice their opinion. Alternately you can approach a Committee Member to represent you on any matter that concerns you.

Remember, the Committee is there to run the club on your behalf, but needs to know what you think to act in your best interests.


2024/25 Executive Committee

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Victorian Officials Awards Function ... TBA TBA
Paul Schofield Aaron Bourne Sarah Gittins Greg Luck
president@valleyaths.org vicepresident@valleyaths.org secretary@valleyaths.org treasurer@valleyaths.org



2024/25 General Committee

Lyn Davis Max TBA Rob Wendel TBA TBA
Lyn Davis Max Balchin Caden Murray Rob Wendel Michelle King Tony Kenshole




ABN 53 377 104 257
5 Nell Street, Greensborough Vic 3088
Willinda Park Access via Beatrix Street


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